28 March - 4 May 2013

After the collapse,
We fell into each other.


My back pressed to the rain slick asphalt,
I fought desperately against his hand,
that wielded my knife.


When we meet again,
may it be under a new banner,
walking in cadence to our common end.


The works in the exhibition measure and delineate space and time - in the gallery and external to it. They attend to the borders between inside and out, past, present, and future. Basic materials and simple acts point to the opportunity for disrupting the apparent logic of a hard materialism.


Syncopated Descent is a 4:36 video in which the artist walks the full length of Manhattan on Broadway while avoiding stepping on lines.


Strike (for Adam) is made of 12 sheets of safety glass, cut into rectangles with a 1:1.61 aspect ratio - an aspect ratio for 35mm movie film. The safety glass is stacked, struck once with a hammer, and leaned in reverse order against the wall.


Black Leader (San Soleil, Fred Hampton) is made of glass, cut into rectangles with a 1:1.61 aspect ratio, painted on their underside with black enamel, dried, and laid side by side along their long edge in a single line spanning the width of the floor.


Post is made of aluminum I-beam, cut into cubic units, stacked in interleaving formation from floor to ceiling.